Have you ever been a fence sitter? It’s such an uncomfortable spot isn’t it? Those fence posts can get a little painful after a while!
I remember back in high school, being recruited to play volleyball by a few different colleges, and being scared to death to make the wrong choice.
Maybe you felt the same way when deciding where to move… whom to marry… your vocation etc…
Indecision is caused by a thought error or loop, which is the result of fear.
Fear that we will make the wrong choice.
Fear of messing something up.
But you see, the fear we have about making the decision, only adds to the drama and doubles the discomfort, because you beat yourself up for being so indecisive!
Our past, and every decision we’ve made, were the right ones. How do we know this? Because we made it! Whatever we have chosen in life has been the perfect classroom for us.
As soon as we own our choices and be compassionate to ourselves, knowing we did the best we could at the time, we eliminate all of the mind drama of would have, could have and should have.
It is our journey that has brought us to wherever we are now, and it’s exactly as it was supposed to be.
How can we know what to do? We make a choice, and then we make it the right one, by choosing the way that we think about it.
Ask yourself this, “If I know that either choice will work out perfectly, which one would I choose.?”Your answer will become clearer.
You are the only one who has the right answers for you. You have an inner voice, listen to it. Make your choice and be sure you really like your reasons.
No matter the outcome, you will have peace knowing it was the right path for you.
After all, we can make our choices AND choose to love them!