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Work With Jane

90 Days.  That’s all it takes to get unstuck and start manifesting the life you want

  • Leave the Empty Nest Syndrome far behind.
  • Attract peace and happiness
  • Feel far more confiden and abundantt.
  • Create deeper love and connection in your relationships.
  • Experience all the world has to offer.
  • Get rid of scarcity and those bad habits that keep you stuck.
  • Stop carrying the negative emotions of those around you.
  • Feel better, look better, and have more energy than you ever thought possible.
  • Attract abundance of every kind.


Book a Free Call With Jane

What is a Free Consultation?

Here's what it is:

  •    A chance to share a little about your story with someone who can hold space for you, and not judge you.  
  •    It's an opportunity to unburden yourself of the scary things that keep you up at night and tie your tummy in knots.
  •    It's a container for discovering what is true for you, and getting feedback that helps you to better understand your brain, in order to get some relief.
  •    It's an opportunity to take a close look at several areas of your life and see how and why your circumstances are as they are, and then also get a road map for how to move forward.
  •    It's a chance to have my full attention, to be truly heard and understood, feel deeply loved, and gain a fresh perspective of what's possible for you.

Here's what it is NOT:

  •   A high pressured sales call  ( I hate those too! ).
  •    A guilt trip or reason to make you feel bad about yourself.
  •    An obligation to spend money.
  •    A waste of your time. 

I've been in your shoes


I know how vulnerable it feels to share your heart with a stranger... but I also know how incredibly important it is to take that first step.


Booking my free call with my first coach changed my entire life...  


...My marriage, my relationship with my kids, my self-esteem, my sex life, my professional life, and best of all my relationship with God.


From the deepest part of my heart, I want this for you too.

Empty Nest Academy

It's no easy thing to lose our job as as full time Mom. I loved nothing more that caring for and supporting my kids!

Many midlife women feel isolated, lonely, and unfulfilled when the kids leave the nest.

Finding new direction and purpose can be a challenge.

I created Empty Nest Academy to bring women together so you don't have to go it alone!

Come immerse yourself in weekly coaching, learning, and community.

Give yourself the gift of time and space to figure things out.

Learn to laugh and let go, so you can get on with loving life.

If you've been searching for a sisterhood that feels like home, join us!

We'd love for YOU to become a valued member of our incredible group and help YOU embrace the joy of this new chapter.
Join for just $9, cancel or come back anytime!
Learn More and Join Now!

More Resources For You!

Free Guide For YOU

Get lots of new ideas for creating more connection in your marriage. Use it to create daily, weekly or monthly goals that will bring you closer together and increase your love!

Free Class, "How to Get My Spouse to Listen to Me"

Learn the 3 biggest mistakes you might unintentionally be making, and my exact process for creating a NEW dynamic, and changing the harmful patterns that are keeping you from creating deeper, loving connection.


Learn the anatomy of a relationship, and how our brains interfere with our happiness.

Plus, the surprising SECRET to ending the drama, and creating more connection.

And FIVE Easy and actionable steps you can take right now, to reset,  revive, and restore ANY relationship in your life.

Take my FREE Five Day Challenge!

Are YOU Ready to Transform YOUR Mid-life? Join Relationship and Communication Coach, Jane Copier, for a life changing event!

Overcoming Disappointment

Free Five Day Challenge!

💌 Ready to get un-stuck? Join me for five, fun filled days, to help you get over your empty nest syndrome,  and move forward with anticipation and hope!

💌 Feel lighter and brighter as you reignite your spark and rediscover yourself again. PLUS, meet other fantastic women, just like you, who are on the same journey!


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Book a Free Call With Jane

In just one short hour, you'll have a clear understanding of exactly where you are at and why..., and also a roadmap for moving forward and getting the results you want in your life. Whether or not you work with Jane, this will be an invaluable hour for you.


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