Isolated, vs. Feeling Isolation

#janecopiercoaching Nov 08, 2024

I’ve been thinking of you and wanting to give you a little extra help. This past week things have been changing almost hourly where we are at, and I worry that many in our communities will start being overwhelmed with negative emotion.

If you are reading this today, chances are very likely that you have been asked to impose social distancing or self isolation.

Boy, even just saying these words, by themselves, can cause us to feel a little cold or lonely.

The state of our current affairs is causing many of us to feel fear, but then when we tack loneliness on top of that, it can be down right debilitating!

So today I want to give you some ideas of how you can feel incredibly connected and supported, even while physically distancing yourself from others.

First, it’s important to know that when you are feeling lonely, it’s because of a thought that you are thinking.  Thoughts like…

     “I miss being with my friends.”

     “I wish our family could all be together.”

     “I’m all by myself in feeling afraid…”

So the most important thing is to become aware of our thoughts.

Next, we want to stop giving attention to those facts that cause thoughts of isolation and feelings of lack.

Focusing on what we can’t have or what we can’t do will only create more longing.

Instead, direct your brain to find all of the things that you do have available to you,  your phone, your computer, your yard… There are a million ways that we can connect with each other if we get a little creative!

Here are three quick suggestions for you:

  1.  Think of a friend you love and write down all of the things you adore about them, maybe even write them a letter!  Then, pick up your phone and give them a call, or better yet facetime!
  1. Host an online lunch or dinner party with your friends.  Download the free Zoom app at  and then set up a meeting.  You can send an invitation to your friends and you can meet online as a group!  So fun!!
  1. Create a tutorial to share on your social media.  Do you like to bake? Go on facebook live and share all your tips and tricks for those awesome cookies you are famous for.  Do you like to paint? Why not post a tutorial of how to create an awesome project? Do you speak a foriegn language or play an instrument?  Create a lesson to share online and then connect and answer questions.

Isolation doesn’t have to be a feeling.  Isolation is simply a fact and we can choose whatever we want to think about it!

Reach out to me if you are feeling lonely and can’t find your way out of it.  I am so very happy to help you during this interesting time of life!

So much love and prayers for you all, I’m incredibly grateful for the amazing humans that occupy this planet.  There is so much good in the world, thank you for being part of it!


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