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#67 Finding Peace in a Scary World

Each week as I consider what to share with you, I’m often inspired by a session with a client, a new tool I’m learning, or by what’s going on for me personally, that I’m working through, that you might need help with to, -and today’s episode falls into that last category

If you are feeling like life feels a little heavy right now, you’re not alone! With fires, hurricanes, political and financial stress, -there is a lot going on in our world today, and there are times when it can all feel like too much.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn about worry, and how to overcome it. 

You’ll also learn several short exercises that will help you to reset and regulate your nervous system, so that you can calm your troubled heart and feel peaceful once again.

It’s an absolute a “must listen to,” for everyone.  Please share with family and friends you know are struggling, they will thank you!

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Welcome to Happy in the Middle, with your host, Certified Life Coach, Jane Copier. 

Happy in the Middle is a podcast for Christian women who want to make the second half of life, the BEST half. This podcast is all about helping women reignite their spark and step into their divine power, in order to create deep and connected relationships, and find the fulfillment and satisfaction they crave. 

So, if you’re ready to grow, join me and learn how you too, can overcome guilt, resentment, disappointment, and enjoy the fruits of creating a life well and beautifully lived. Let’s gooo! 


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  • Scroll down until you see the reviews, and then click the button that says, “Leave a Review”
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