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#65 Stephanie's Story, Mamas Making a Difference

On today’s show, my special guest, Stephanie Van Allen, joins me for our next Mama’s Making a Difference Segment.

Hear how Stephanie was inspired to use her love for teaching fitness classes, to not only help people get in shape, but also feed malnourished children in Africa!

Her story is so inspiring, I hope you’ll listen in and let it spark your own desire to use your gifts to help others too.

Also, be sure to sign up for my FREE Year in Review Workshop next Tuesday, January 7th @10am MT.  This process of looking back is just what you need in order to move forward, and It will be your favorite hour of the week!

Don’t miss this fun, free workshop!

And if you really want to transform your life, sign up for my “NEW YEAR, NEW YOU” eight week group experience, where you will learn how to properly set and achieve goals, like nothing you’ve ever tried before.

It shouldn’t take a year to get your goal. Join me and get all the coaching, help, and support you need to make it happen!  

Space is limited, the inks for both are below.


Sign up here to attend my free Year in Review Class:


Click Here to register for my eight week group, NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!:



Welcome to Happy in the Middle, with your host, Certified Life Coach, Jane Copier. 

Happy in the Middle is a podcast for Christian women who want to make the second half of life, the BEST half. This podcast is all about helping women reignite their spark and step into their divine power, in order to create deep and connected relationships, and find the fulfillment and satisfaction they crave. 

So, if you’re ready to grow, join me and learn how you too, can overcome guilt, resentment, disappointment, and enjoy the fruits of creating a life well and beautifully lived. Let’s gooo! 

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  • Scroll down until you see the reviews, and then click the button that says, “Leave a Review”
  • Leave your review!  Easy peasy!


Get my FREE GUIDE, How to End the Fight:

Get my Free “Conversation Roadmap, a Step by Step Guide to Talk about Any Topic, Without Starting a Fight.”

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Email:  [email protected]


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