Several years ago, I remember a friend of mine having a goal to go back to school and finish her college degree. She made the comment, “Two years will go by,- I can either have a degree at the end of those two years, or I can be right where I am today… still wishing I’d finished.”
I’d never really thought about things that way, but I sure do now!
What about six weeks?
I asked my family for some ideas of things they’d been able to accomplish in just six short weeks. Here are some of the replies:
“Lost 10 pounds.”
“Learned all of my lines and music for my lead role in the school musical.”
“Filmed an entire movie.”
“Built a website and started my own company.” (this was me 🙂 )
“Played a Spring Lacrosse season.”
“Learned to speak Spanish.”
“Remodeled a rental property.”
WOW! So many six week periods of our life go by, without much to show for it. What would you like to accomplish?
There is only a short time left in this year, 2019, -what would you be thrilled about doing before the year ends? For many of us, we get a little lazy in the fall and just seem to ride out the remainder of the year. But think of how much momentum you could add, how much satisfaction you would feel, if you set and reached a six week goal now!
Would you like to stop suffering in your marriage?
Do you know it’s entirely possible to turn your marriage around in just six short weeks?
My six week, Mend Your Marriage, program begins the first week of November. Join me! Space is super limited and time is running out, so don’t wait.
Wouldn’t it be incredible to have the tools to enjoy a beautiful holiday season with your spouse?
This is a gift that will bless not only you, but your family as well, for generations to come.
Six weeks will go by. Do you want things to stay as they are, or will you choose to turn your ship around and find love again in your love-life?
I hope you’ll take this opportunity to step up, jump in with both feet and commit to do the work to make it happen. I am here for you. I’ll take you by the hand and show you the way.
50% Complete
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