Haha, we’ve all learned not to ask that question until about the 8th month! But that’s not the type of expecting we are talking about today.
Are you the gifted type of person that can create the PERFECT holiday in your mind? You watch an occasional Hallmark movie, but the dream in your head is better than anything on screen?
I am! -or, at least I WAS. I made so many plans, -had SO MANY expectations!
I planned exactly how our Christmas tree should look. I planned the events we would attend, the parties we would host, the gifts we would give -and how they should be wrapped. I planned the menus, the activities, the baking, the neighbor gifts and every other little detail, right down to the scented candles that would make our home smell like freshly cut evergreen trees.
I worked so hard to make sure it was the perfect celebration for everyone and I was completely attached to my plan. I could see how it should go. How people should respond. How my family should feel…
And I was completely worn out by Christmas Eve.
As humans, we want things and take action to get them because of how we believe they will make us feel. This is important to understand because then we can look a little more closely, and determine whether something we plan, will truly provide the outcome we want.
Here are my top three tips to help you experience the joy you want to feel this holiday season, without driving yourself (and everyone else around you) crazy!
Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season. Be intentional, be grateful, be joyful and most of all, love unconditionally. After all, that unconditional love is the reason we celebrate.
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